So, check the manufacturer’s website to see if your TV actually supports 120hz. The box your TV came in might say it has 120hz “smooth motion”, but this isn’t really 120hz, it’s that simulated setting you have to turn off so your blu-rays don’t look like a daytime soap opera. If playing on a gaming monitor, you won't have to worry - but many standard 4K TV’s don’t support 120 hz - and usually have a 4K display that runs at 60hz.It doesn’t matter if your PS5 is set to 4K, and it also doesn’t matter what graphics options you select in the game itself if youre 120hz output is set to automatic, you’ll be playing at 1080p whether you like it or not. However for Ghostwire: Tokyo, if you have this setting on automatic, when you launch the game it’ll drop your resolution down to 1080p. Usually, most people keep this set to automatic, that way if a game you’re playing supports it, rare as they are, you’ll be able to play at even higher framerates. In your PS5 video settings, there’s an option to Enable 120hz Output, if you have a monitor or TV that supports it.Check out the following instructions for the best settings for smooth, lag-free gameplay.

It is possible that Ghostwire: Toyko's default settings just feel slower for many players. If you’re not familiar with input lag, it’s essentially the time it takes for controller inputs to happen on screen. Video Guide for Fixing Ghostwire: Toyko Settings on PS5