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the handy software for users is Virtualboxand VMwarewhich have several useful features, due to that, Windows and Linux users can test MacOS High Sierra on Virtual machines. it means you can run multiple operating systems on a single computer. Therefore, thanks to virtualization software gives users the best platforms to install any Mac operating system as a guest OS. Users can’t install any Mac OS in Windowsor Linux, only they can install it on different versions of Mac computers although Mac doesn’t allow Windows and Linux to install Mac Operating systems inside the host computer. Let’s Download MacOS High Sierra Image File for Virtualbox & VMware, however, the current Apple OS is MacOS Catalina 10.15 announced and released in 2019, besides that, macOS Mojave 10.14 is also the greatest operating system having tons of features But still, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 is in high demand and legions of people are installing MacOS High Sierra on Macbook, Mac Mini, Hackintosh, or Virtual Machines like Virtualbox and Vmware.