Content here a lot: 20 locations, 100 characters, 200 items. The narration is divided into seven chapters and consists of 60 episodes. At the end of users and their protege waiting for the final test. The game has a storyline with a demonstration of all mortal sins on the example of the history of the protagonist. Outside of work, he goes to visit familiar, steals or spoils other things, communicates with beauty on discos, drives girls to her home. They reset the limit of evil deeds (constantly engage in small and not very packets will not work).īuilt-in editor allows you to customize the appearance of antihero. In case of failure, you will have to restart the level. It is important for them to follow, otherwise the adventurer will come out of control and starts behaving the most inadequate. Lovelass has 3 scales: anger, stress and excitement. If "ride" relationship with the interlocutor, then the hatch will be offered to sleep with her. During a conversation with NPC, you can choose topics and model of behavior: humor, pity, love, money, flattery and t. With the help of a mixture and charm, the guy will start becoming more and more popular.

For example, receive posts in the Fight Club, Restaurant "Escorago", Salon for sadomasochers, fashionable institution "Eden" And everything is in such a spirit.

Gradually, he will be able to change professions and jobs. Young man begins his career in the store. 7 SINS is a life simulator overlooking a third party. This project is focused on an adult audience. Also, the protagonist wants to conquer the whole megapolis. He dreams of getting into the eastern and southern part of the settlement, where only Elite lives. It is in this abode of all human vices, Jay Falcon arrived on the nickname. 7 SINS Transfers gamers to the city of Apple City.